Heleieth Saffioti is a pioneer in studies on the condition of women in Brazil (today known as gender studies), her productions on gender inequality (men and women) are based on the interpretation of historical-dialectic materialism, and her works depart from analysis of capitalist society and the production of class, gender and racial inequalities. It is important to highlight that Saffioti reflects from a feminist-Marxist perspective considering the historical reality of Brazil and its peculiarities (such as slavery and its late abolition), as well as this historical context reflects on the way in which capitalism and Brazilian society were formed and reflected in submission and the role of women in society. Thus, this article seeks to present, in a non-exhaustive way, Heleieth Saffioti’s discussion on gender violence through a bibliographical review of the Author’s main works.
Keywords: Saffioti, gender violence, violence, woman, gender