Peer Review Process
Peer Review Process
The Journal reserves the right to submit all manuscripts preliminarily to the Editorial Board, which examines the adequacy of the work to the editorial line. Subsequently, the articles are sent for confidential peer review (double blind peer-review), with the aim of collaborating in the dissemination of scientific, academic and professional production in the multidisciplinary field.
To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review, for journal submissions, every possible care will be taken not to reveal the identity of authors and reviewers to each other during the process. Therefore, before sending the documents to the evaluators, the editors exclude from the document any information that could identify the authorship of the work.
The Editorial Board and the Scientific Council have full authority to decide on the convenience or otherwise of publication, and may even resubmit them to the authors, with suggestions for making necessary changes to the text and/or for adapting them to the editorial standards of the Magazine. In this case, the referred work will be reassessed by the reviewers.
The Journal reserves the right to submit all manuscripts preliminarily to the Editorial Board, which examines the adequacy of the work to the editorial line. Subsequently, the articles are sent for confidential peer review (double blind peer-review), with the aim of collaborating in the dissemination of scientific, academic and professional production in the multidisciplinary field.
To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review, for journal submissions, every possible care will be taken not to reveal the identity of authors and reviewers to each other during the process. Therefore, before sending the documents to the evaluators, the editors exclude from the document any information that could identify the authorship of the work.
The Editorial Board and the Scientific Council have full authority to decide on the convenience or otherwise of publication, and may even resubmit them to the authors, with suggestions for making necessary changes to the text and/or for adapting them to the editorial standards of the Magazine. In this case, the referred work will be reassessed by the reviewers.
Peer Review Process
The journal follows a rigorous peer review process to maintain high standards of scientific publication. All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough evaluation by the Editorial Board to assess their alignment with the journal's scope and focus. Subsequently, the articles are subjected to a double-blind peer review, where both the identities of the authors and reviewers remain confidential throughout the evaluation process.
Double-Blind Peer Review
To ensure the integrity of the double-blind peer review, every effort is made to prevent the disclosure of authors' and reviewers' identities. Before forwarding the manuscripts to reviewers, any information that may reveal the authorship is carefully removed by the editors.
Editorial Authority The Editorial
Board and the Scientific Council possess full authority to make decisions regarding the publication suitability of manuscripts. In some cases, submissions may be returned to the authors with suggestions for necessary revisions and adherence to the journal's editorial guidelines. Upon receiving the revised version, the work will be reevaluated by the reviewers.
The journal's commitment to a robust peer review process and adherence to editorial guidelines ensures the dissemination of high-quality scientific and academic contributions within various fields of knowledge. Through this transparent and confidential evaluation process, the journal aims to foster collaboration and further advance knowledge in the respective areas of expertise.